Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tips for a Spectacular Sparkler Wedding Send Off

In the photo booth rental business, you see a lot fun and exciting wedding trends and ideas. One trend that is getting particularly popular is the sparkler wedding send off.

Here are some tips to make your sparkler send off fun and safe:

1. Use 36 inch long sparklers
Wedding sparklers usually come in lengths of 10, 20 or 36 inches. The 36 inch sparklers last for about 3 minutes. Their extra long length makes them a little safer and easier to handle than their shorter counter parts. The extra time that they burn will allow for you to do some fun and creative things with your sparklers.

2. Assign someone to coordinate the sparkler send off
Pick a responsible, preferably sober friend or family member to coordinate the wedding sparkler send off.

The sparkler send off coordinator will:
Get two helpers to assist in passing out the lit sparklers
Have the guests form two lines along the exit path
Light the sparklers in groups of 10-15
Go down the lines and pass out the sparklers
Have the guests put the spent sparkler sticks into a metal bucket

3. Use a propane torch to light the sparklers
You want to have all of the sparklers lit when you walk down the exit lane, right? Then the key is to light all the sparklers at the same time. The safest way to accomplish this is with a propane torch. Have helpers hold the sparklers in groups of 10-15. Light the ends of the sparklers with the propane torch.

4. Make sure the venue knows your plans
Your venue may have rules or policies that will need to be followed when performing the sparkler send off. We witnessed a sparkler send off at an upscale hotel. A few guests walked back into the hotel while their sparklers were still lit. Suddenly the fire alarm in the hotel began to sound. It is always best to be safe and respectful.

5. Think of a fun and creative picture with the sparklers
Some couples spell words with sparklers while their photographer takes a photo in long exposure mode before the official send off. Another fun idea is to pose and kiss under the lit sparklers. The night is yours, so do something fun and creative.

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